
Fugdi folk dance is from the Konkan region of Goa and Maharashtra. Only women dance to escape boredom from daily routines and monotonous schedules. The dance is also performed during Hindu religious festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi and the Hindu month of "Bhaadrapaada."

The women sing and dance in formations that include a circle or rows. The dance starts slowly and soon attains speed before eventually reaching a climax. The dance does not require any instrumental sounds, and while achieving the maximum pace, the dancers match the rhythm by blowing air through the mouth that sounds like "FOO." Hence the name Foogdi or Fugdi. Fixed steps, hand gestures, and laps accompany the dance. Though no instrument or music is needed with the dance, many memorable Fugdi songs exist.

A village nestled within coconut trees in Goa.
A village in the Konkan region of Goa.

Performance spotlight

NSDA students performing Fugdi at the 2022 annual show.

Women wear colorful sarees and are sometimes accompanied by a knot on their right shoulder. They may also tie a white dupatta around their waist. Another variant of the Fugdi dance is Katti Fudgi, where women dance with coconut shells in their hands.

Women holding hands and dancing in a circle.
NSDA students performing on stage.

